My Journey To The Rest Of My Life

My Journey begins here and I was looking to working from home. Here we have an amazing community of people who work from home and are loving the advantages to doing it!! It is very hard to work from home and even harder to find the support to keep pushing you to do the uncomfortable until it becomes comfortable. Wanting to find something with this is what I started searching for in 2017. I have have found it here in a community of amazing like minded people. Before I continue with our community and sharing what we have plus what you can have as well. Our community is so amazing and supportive. We live by our Core Values and are here to help you succeed. All the help you will need is here and waiting for you to open the door and let yourself in!!

First A Little More About Me & My Journey

My journey and the rest of my life.

Hello, I’m Sandy and I have been in one job my whole life Here is my journey. I started to work at the age of fifteen. I have a very strong family value and was taught that at a young age. That you need to be the the type of person to make your own way. And that “nobody” is going to do it for you so learn how to do it and be good at it no matter what. Then I opened the door to the rest of my life.

Work Retail Grocery

As I continued to work in the retail grocery business and the years went by now over 40, I always wanted to achieve the highest rank. Being a woman in this business is very difficult, it was called the “Good Old Boys Club.” They always said that women should only be a cashier and nothing else!!

Well this was a challenge to me all the way. Even though they would knock me down, I would get back up fighting. I ended up moving up through the company and achieve most my goals. Then as I got older my body started to fall apart and those floors and stairs were getting more and more difficult to be on!!

Working From Home And It’s Benefits To Anyone

So at the age of 47 I had my 30 years in and could have retired with my full Pension, however, I really had nothing else to do or fall back on. I knew I didn’t want to go back to school for sure. I also knew it would be difficult to learn something new because I grew up grocery. So, I started to look at places to go work and as I did that, I continued to work and be in so much pain for another 10 years not really doing much to set goals to achieve anything, I became stagnant in my job!! I was tired of working the 9-5 J.O.B. (just over broke) so I kept looking around and decided another option!!

Tried Working Uber/Lyft

Then my journey continued, I decided that I was going to try my hand at Uber/Lift. It was ok but I really didn’t like driving at night or in the winter. Then, I also thought to myself, Why did I choose something that cost me more money in gas and wear and tear. I did stick with it and pretty much broke even after a year on driving. I did not renew and went back to the drawing board!! However, I did enjoy earning money and working on my time. Now I had the “taste” in my mouth and kept looking

My Big Year-April 2019

My Journey and where I am moving towards.

In April 2019, I just had to figure out something so that I could retire. I was googling everyday for a couple weeks and then something popped up that I thought I would be able to do. Link Post Blogging!! I thought great, I can have my own business and a hobby. Well little did I know, I was up for one of the biggest challenges of my life (HAHA). My life became what it was 38 years earlier, a new beginning!! With hard work and getting out of my comfort zone, I would be able to meet my goals!! It was at this time to go all in with both feet and buckle up. I started working from home and it’s benefits are amazing!!

Working From Home And It’s Benefits

By making a phone call and started my new adventure. I have never really understood a computer except to play games on. I also had a hard time modifying pages because I didn’t know what it meant. So you might say I was deep o the weeds but I kept thinking back to my younger days and how I pushed myself in a mans world to be successful. Being confident, knew I could do it again!!

My Journey Brought Me To My My Online Community

Then I found this amazing online community!! I fell in love with the core values and all the people who pay it forward and I was not an easy person to teach. I had no idea what I was doing and my poor mentor really had to have a lot of patience with me and she did!! The bigger picture was the support I found from all these loving people that helped me become a better person. I have done so much growing here and continue to grow every day.

My Journey & The Beginning Of The Rest Of My Life

My Journey and where I am moving towards

I have been able to learn more and more about my computer and the internet. To see how it is all connected to give me an amazing opportunity to grow. Since being here, I have also become a pretty good writer and teacher!! I would never have thought of myself as a marketer but this is what I have become. Not you typical buy this now but one that believes in what I am doing. With our community, NO ONE IS LEFT BEHIND we have our “CORE VALUES” and the “Pay It Forward” atmosphere is awesome!! The more our community grows the more and more people we can help achieve their goals and become Home Based Entrepreneurs!! Again I am proud to be a marketer!! Please follow me on Facebook to follow my path!!