Online Homeschool Programs

Are you looking for better Online Homeschool Programs? We have great news when it comes to education and how we are ready to Reboot with our Brainfood Academy. We are honored to present and Educational Platform which will help children to succeed because of the growing technologies today. This is a heightened educational experience or “REBOOT” for the future of our kids getting away from the traditional way’s of teaching our Children to be the best they can be and it is Available to anyone right now!!

The School Systems Of Today And Why We Need To Change:

  • Mass Shootings have been Rampant In Schools: It is alarming the increased occurrences that have risen in our schools. The safety of our Children is at a low these day’s, we are seeing the increase of Amber Alerts and Abductions of our kids being compromised and this is truth!!
  • The Core Subjects Are Constantly Being Modified: We are seeing the fading of students True Learning and Comprehension in our current teaching situations. The school districts are changing the basics of the curriculum including English, Math, Science plus other core subjects. This amazes me with all the new digital technology such as, AI (Artificial Intelligence) & access to computers that there is a Definite Decrease in our system.

And Also Disturbing Present Difficulties

  • Pushing Beliefs without the Consent Of The Parents: So many administrations are changing district “Agendas” has the parents are becoming frustrated. We are finding that Politics are being pushed on our children, as well as, literature and books being withheld. As we move forward we see that independent thinking by the teachers is not encouraged but discouraged.
  • The Increase Of Distractions and Bullying Have Increased: Although anti-bullying is supposedly a primary focus according to many Schools and their Districts; the reports of the opposite happening is obvious. Kids already have enough stress without adding distractions, including bullying.
  • Important Extra Creative Classes Are Being Cut: Every year we see how “Budget Cuts” are effecting the creativity of our children. Subjects such as Gym, Art and Music classes no longer exist which is sad because children need to express themselves. Also children need to have stimulation to use up that extra energy they have. In fact, Teachers need to be allowed to be creative when they are teaching as well! However the curriculum set by the school or district is to only hit the Bare Minimum requirements. It is not permitting to challenging our students and give them a better Competitive Edge for the future.

Brainfood Academy Online Homeschool Programs Is The Solution to the education of our Leaders For Tomorrow:

We now have a way for any student no matter where they are located, to have access to the Reboot Of The Education Process. They have the amazing option to gain the Best Education Possible.

It All Starts with the Curriculum that is developed for the future.  When you set up your Parent Account the Itemized Courses for your student are prepared for the future. These Master Minds have the experience for creating top of the class learning. This continues with Expert Teachers delivering the curriculum for each class and grade. Through the Education Platform of Brainfood Academy, you will see how our teachers are finally Getting Paid Their Worth!! The entire World Needs this Brainfood Academy Solution.

Online Homeschool Programs

And it Develops and Grows with Parent Involvement and in Spreading this All Corners of the World: This solution is all about Taking a Stand as Parents, Educators and World Business Leaders. Knowing the Government and their Centuries of Education. We know the control Interests (not ours) have in the broken education System “OF OLD”. We have the technology, the right people, and the right methods and tools to Solve this Globally.

Everything Is Coming Together As A Result Of Several Things Being Put Into Place. We Have The Solution For Our Future In Education Now with our Online Homeschool Programs!!

As we Grow and Continue to Share with the World this Education Solution, we see the following Solutions which include:

  • Firstly; K-12 allowing for the Future of “BEST Curriculum and BEST Teaching” to happen. This is Ready Now. Set Up your Parent Account to See More (NO COST) Here.
  • Secondly; k-12 Tutoring Made Available. And let it be noted that in many situations the Funding for your student’s education could very cover this as well. This is so much smarter in all aspects including the access for Students regardless of their location.
  • Thirdly; This is about solving Education for the Future in Adult Learning. This will be coming and following the same Technology and High Touch Solutions we have for K-12. And at a better value and price to benefit more. The Old Ways are being replaced with Better, Faster, and More. Technology and High Touch meet for Overall Success

Education is being allowed to be Great Again as a result of Brainfood Academy and Everyone and Everything behind it.

In Addition; We are LOOKING for Expert Teachers to Join our Expanding Student Base (Globally). See more details on this by going here:

Online Homeschool Programs

Our Online Community is Stacked with Solutions and Ways to Create a Better Life. Contact Us Here. We are standing by to help anyone wanting and willing to Receive Training and Education about the Internet in Resources, Income Streams and Community. Contact Us Here For More Details.